AIM Advisory Council

As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence and growth, AIM is proud to welcome our first Advisory Council cohort. This initiative, stemming from our 2024 strategic plan, addresses a crucial need for more robust leadership support. Specifically, we are seeking to enhance our feedback mechanisms, bolster our volunteer force, and deepen our pool of Montessori expertise.
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— get involved

Volunteer Opportunities

As a member of the AIM Advisory Council A minimum of 4 hours per month outside of monthly meetings.  Below are some ways that you can contribute - we welcome additional ideas and involvement.

Participate in or Refer a Guest for our Montessori Midweek Livestream

Join us as a guest or refer another Montessorian to join us weekly on Wednesdays at noon CST.  Our livestreams last approximately 20 minutes.  These casual conversations focus on topics relevant to Montessori education. 

Assist in Identifying and/or Writing Grants

Moving forward we hope to raise a minimum of $100,000 per year in funds from various grants.  We could use assistance in identifying opportunities and grant writing.

Contribute to the Development of AIM Scholarship Program

Help us to define parameters for scholarship eligibility, establish the application and approval process and identify possible fundraising opportunities.

Create Fundraising Strategies and Campaigns

In order to fulfill our mission it is necessary for us to develop dependable fundraising.  Help with identifying donors, developing strategies and cultivating relationships would be much appreciated.

Present in the 2025 Summit

Your opinion is well respected + your advocacy is much appreciated! 

One of the most powerful motivators for our enrollments is word-of-mouth referrals.

As respected and active members of the Montessori community, you can serve as important advocates for our programs! If you know heads of schools that may need Montessori training or professional development for their staff, we would be honored to have your recommendation. 

Our next courses begin September 10th and our enrollment goal for the upcoming semester is 80 students.  Your assistance can help us meet and perhaps even exceed our goal! 

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Reach out to Heads of School via Email or Social Media

Feel free to download these templates as a starting point for your advocacy! You can personalize them and share your specific experiences working with us.  Be sure to tag AIM in your social media posts!

Share our Custom Professional Development Program

Share our Spanish Scholarship Opportunity

Share our Certification Courses

Request PD Course Access

Visit to see the course list.

Please give us 24 hours to get you enrolled. You will recieve a confirmation email once you've been enrolled. 

Meeting Notes, Documents and Resources

April 24, 2024

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  • Review meeting notes
  • Review 2024 Strategic Plan
  • Email Candace with your thoughts and ideas for your volunteer contributions
  • Complete Headshot/bio form
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May 2024

*replay password was sent to your email


  • Review meeting notes
  • Email Candace with your thoughts and ideas for your volunteer contributions
  • Complete Headshot/bio form

June 2024

July 2024

2023 Annual Report

2024 Strategic Plan