Field Rep Portal
Authentic Institute of Montessori is looking for experienced Infant-Toddler, Early Childhood, Elementary I and Elementary II Montessori educators to join our team as Field Representatives for our MACTE accredited Montessori Certification Courses. Our program is growing rapidly and, because our course has an online component, we are attracting prospective students from all around the United States and around the world. Therefore, we are recruiting a pool of qualified teachers who can be called upon to help us evaluate our student teachers wherever they may be.
Write your awesome label here.
Application Requirements
Thank you for your willingness to support Authentic Institute of Montessori's teacher candidates in your part of the world. In fulfilling the duties of a field representative you will gain wonderful professional growth as you offer help and guidance to future Montessori early childhood educators.
The following documentation is required by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE). You will be asked to upload these documents as part of your Field Representative Application.
Official or unofficial( i.e. photo copies) transcripts for highest college degree earned (bachelor’s degree required);
Resume or Curriculum Vitae that documents employment experience, including at least three (3) years of experience teaching children in an early childhood 3-6 Montessori classroom following receipt of the teaching credential;
Contact information form including digital photo;
A document listing your experience teaching or working with adults e.g., parent education presentations, presentations at conferences, workshops for Montessori Schools, participation in mentorships, etc. (Note: This document is not necessary if this information is included in your resume.)
Download the form here -
Copies of all Montessori teaching certificates/credentials including Montessori certification at the level of field supervision
Evidence of continuing professional growth within the last three (3) years such as Certificates of Attendance for professional development presentations.
*If you do not have documentation to show continuing professional growth, you can begin listening to any of many one- and two-hour Authentic Institute of Montessori seminar presentations and replays we will make available to you at no cost. You will be able to download the certificates of attendance as you complete them and email them to rklein@aimmontessori.org to be added to your file.
Already an AIM Field Representative?